Want to help HSSW dunk on kitten season?

For just $10, you can join the fun and participate in our March Kitten Madness bracket competition! With 32 available points each round, the overall winning bracket will receive 25% of all entry fees and the remaining proceeds will benefit our kitten foster program.

You will receive your bracket via email on Monday, March 17th. Brackets must be returned by Thursday, March 20th at 10 AM to be considered in the competition. If you would prefer a paper bracket, please email sredden@petsgohome.org or call the shelter at 608-752-5622.

To secure your bracket, we have a few options!

If you use Venmo or PayPal, please be sure to include “March Madness” or something similar in the memo!

Don’t care about NCAA basketball? That’s okay! You can help save kittens and support our foster program by ordering items off of our Wish Lists!

Secure your bracket below!